Fasting FAQs

Fasting FAQs


Frequently asked questions about fasting are answered.
Fasting should be done properly under the guidance of a specialist, not on one’s own, and with a clear goal in mind.

Can’t we eat anything during fasting?

The fasting we recommend is not a fast in which no water or food is consumed. It is a soft fast that can be easily adapted to your individual lifestyle. During the fasting period, breakfast is not consumed, and nutritional supplements such as fermented plant-based beverages are consumed. During the normal meal period, participants are asked to avoid high-protein, high-fat meals, but this is not a hard fast in which no solid food is consumed at all.

Why is it necessary to drink a lot of water during implementation?

You are advised to drink approximately 2 liters of good quality water per day, at room temperature as much as possible, divided into 10 or more servings. If 2 liters is not feasible, start with 1 liter and gradually increase the amount you drink.

At what age can you fast?

Basically, we consider the age range to be 18-60 years old. Avoid minors, as they are in the midst of a period of significant growth and require high nutritional value in terms of calories.

Can I take medicine during the procedure?

During fasting, the purpose is to rest the digestive system and reset the body, so fasting is basically NG during the period of regular use of medicine.

Can I fast while pregnant or menstruating?

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, basically fasting is NG. Also, for those who are menstruating, it is not completely NG, but please do it at your own risk according to your physical condition. If you have any concerns, please consult your family doctor before proceeding.

Who should not fast?

Those with lung, heart, liver, kidney, gastrointestinal, etc.Fasting is basically NG for those who have had a stroke or myocardial infarction in the past, and those who weigh 35 kg or less for women and 40 kg or less for men.If you have any other concerns about your physical condition, please consult your family doctor before proceeding.

What time should I eat dinner during fasting?

If possible, finish eating by 20:00. We believe that eating after 20:00 puts a strain on the body, slows metabolism, and reduces the efficiency of fasting. After 20:00, the point is to keep the digestive enzymes from working and the metabolic enzymes to work.

What is an “initial reaction”?

Some people may experience a variety of early reactions during a fast, including feeling tired, drowsy, headaches, dizziness, stomach pain, nausea, and breakouts. If pain or discomfort persists, stop fasting.